Frequently Asked Questions
Why upgrade your membership What is the benefit?

First, you are free to upgrade your membership or notBut if you upgrade your membership, there are many benefits such asAll ads get double clicksYou can also buy more rented referralsAlso direct referralsThere are also special prizes for special membersAlso, every member with a premium membership has the right to suggest on the site, for example, to change the designAdd some additions and suggestionsMeaning he has the right to vote on everything

Are rental referrals fake? Does the site use a bot?

Rented referrals are members who joined the site, not a bot, and the site is renting them to you for a period of time in order to profit through them, and also the site does not use the bot at all, and we also want to reassure the members and tell them that we are not in our interest to use the bot because we really want to continue with youBut the site does not guarantee you the active member from the inactive member because we have a privacy policy that does not delete any member who joined us

However, members who are inactive for 90 days will have their account deleted immediately

How does the site work, how does it give me a profit, and where and why?

The site is an advertiser and member for the advertiser who pays money and the member clicks on the ads, whether a regular advertisement or a video ad, or he does a poll and the site gives you money from where
Simply who the advertiser is paying to get clicks for their ad Then the advertiser who pays (the site) gets the money, then the member clicks on the advertisement and gets his profit

What if there are no advertisers in a certain period, what will the site do?

During this period, the member should not be concerned, because we will bear this period on your behalf, and there will be ads that you click on from the site, and you will take your profit from it not less than 5 and not more than 10 ads per day
We know to ask why the site can handle this period
simply because we really want to continue with you

Why the site pays manual and not immediate payment

We all know hackers and how dangerous they are, so how can we have in our hands your money and our money put it simply and easily for themWe know when we do the instant payment service we must put the email and password for each bank account. If the hacker attacks the site, he will get it easily,

but if it is separate from the script, he will not be able to take your money and our money. I hope you know that this is in our interest for all of us.

Why is it not allowed to place an ad banner inside the Forum?
Simply because if everyone can place an advertising banner inside the forum, we will not find anyone who puts a banner inside the site, and we will not find advertisers, and thus we will not profit, and you will also not win.
How Much Time Takes after a Withdrawal ?

Withdrawals are Processed within 24 Hours. Incase a Large Number of Payment Requests it will takes about 5 Days. So Please Be Patience.

What do I do if I have any Questions?
At any time, if you have any inquiries, questions, or even an idea or suggestion for the site or anything that comes to your mind, just tell us and we will answer you in less than 12 hours. We are really here for you and we take care of your rights and money so you do not have to worry about anything